Friday, September 4, 2015


Today, I worked on my old horror movie poster. I finished the back ground by using a charcoal/chalk filter followed by a watercolor filter. Then I put a green layer of 10% opacity to tint it. I then moved the ant into the movie poster. I adjusted the size to make it look like the bottom front foot in standing on the bottom of the poster, while the back leg is pushing off of the side of the poster. I then used the 2D hyphae to create smoke and then layered a detailed 3D hyphae (with low opacity over it). Next, I downloaded old movie typography and wrote "IT'S IN THEM" on it. This is my mixed media project (Photoshop and Mudbox). It represents how American Society freaks out over any small thing and obsesses over it in fear, such as with the Ebola scare. I used the ant "zombifying" fungus, Cordyceps, to display this.

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