Monday, September 21, 2015

Brain for IB and TSA 9/21/15

I have decided to model a brain for THE SCIENCE OF JOY video for SciViz and a more artistic version for IB. I originally planned on using 3D Max to do a particle model of my brain. I realized quickly that it is a bad idea to try and do complex models in a program that I have never used. Like a really bad and confusing experience. Also our computers don't like 3D Max too much, like every thing stopped working. So I went back to Mudbox, home sweet home. I then went crazy on making photo accurate hemispheres (see reference image). I made all the gyri and sulci of the brain. Then I cleaned them up using amply for the contrast, knife for divisions, smooth, and scult as well. Now, I just have to do the stem and cerebellum to finish the modeling part. I will make it hyper realistic for TSA and super artsy fartsy for IB.

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